viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

En sus zapatos / In their shoes

A veces, no entendemos a las personas, nos enfadamos con ellas aunque los queramos. Y esto ocurre casi siempre porque esperamos que piensen y actúen conforme a nuestro pensamiento. Sin embargo, cada persona tiene su forma de sentir, de pensar y sus circunstancias. Si calzamos los zapatos del otro, nos ponemos sus gafas o miramos desde su ángulo... tal vez nos entenderemos mejor y seremos más felices.

Sometimes we don´t understand people, we get angry with them even if we love them. And this is almost always because we expect them to think and to act according to our thought. However, each person has a way of feeling, of thinking and their special circumstances. If we wear another's shoes, we wear their glasses or look at it from their angle ... maybe we will understand better and we´ll be happier.

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